Basingstoke Labour Councillors want easier and safer routes for safety of pedestrians and cyclists in Norn Hill. We’ve been working with Hampshire County Council on better routes. We want Hampshire to commit to spend some of the money raised from the new housing on the roads in the area. That way, everyone in the neighbourhood wins from the building being planned. Here’s our list:
- we need to reduce car speeds at the top end of Norn Hill. It’s a snow plough route so some of the measures like speed humps may not work here but car speeding is a real problem here and something must be done about it;
- an advisory cycle route (so perhaps marked out with signs, symbols and even a lane marked out on the road);
- four road crossing points have been identified already. We’d like to keep the existing steps but we need a route for wheelchairs and pushchairs. Common-sense measures are needed here – make sure dropped kerbs are opposite one another (so you don’t have to zig-zag across the street), and check that you can get a chair through the bollards;
- signs pointing out where children cross the road;
- we’d like to see resurfacing of the roads and paths from the new housing site through the estate;
- works to improve steps in Coleman, Gregory, Bennet and Martin Close. This needs to include making it easy to get around with a wheelchair or pushchair, fixing the hand rails and repairing the uneven surfaces which can easily lead to trips and falls.
Have you got anything to add to this list? Please let us know what it is by using the contact form.